Teach students to name fractions and decimals, comparing and ordering fractions, improper fractions, and mixed numbers, and model different operations involving fractions. The 9 color fraction tiles represent 9 values of fractions. The plastic math tiles are durable and easy to clean. Each of the rainbow fraction tiles represents a whole, halves, thirds, fourths, fifths, sixths, eighths, tenths, or twelfths. The largest tile measures 1" x 8". Students often struggle to visualize and understand the concept of fractions. Fraction tiles enable them to see the difference between various denominators. The proportionally sized fraction strips help students compare fractional values. The bright and colorful rainbow tiles make learning fractions and decimals fun and engaging for your kids. The fraction manipulatives allow your students to develop a deeper understanding of fractions through hands-on experiences. Our math manipulative fraction strips are Montessori themed, meaning that they're hands-on for kids to learn on their own. The fraction manipulatives allow kids to learn fractions with hands-on math manipulatives. Students in activity-based programs perform up to 20% higher than groups using traditional or textbook approaches. The perfect math tool for age 9-17, grade 4-grade 12. For over 50 years, hand2mind has encouraged hands-on learning and discovery, driving deeper understanding and helping children unlock their full potential. Hand2mind specializes in math manipulatives designed to help students learn by doing. Particularly with fractions, our rainbow fraction tiles, rainbow fraction circles and rainbow fraction tower cubes make learning fractions as easy as learning the colors of the rainbow. From early math to middle school math, hand2mind has you covered with products designed to enhance learning in the classroom and the world around us. Through hands-on exploration and discovery we strive to find new ways to encourage students in math practice, literacy activities, STEM education and more!
FRACTION TILES: Teach students to name fractions and decimals, comparing and ordering fractions, improper fractions, mixed numbers, and model different operations involving fractions.
UNIT FRACTION MATH MANIPULATIVES: The 9 color fractions manipulatives tiles represent 9 value of fractions. The plastic math tiles are durable and easy to clean.
FRACTION BARS: Each of the rainbow fraction tiles represents a whole, halves, thirds, fourths, fifths, sixths, eighths, tenths, or twelfths. The largest tile measures 1" x 6".
4TH GRADE MATH: Students often struggle to visualize and understand the concept of fractions. Fraction tiles enable them to see the difference between various denominators. The proportionally sized tiles help students compare fractional values.
MONTESSORI MATERIALS: The bright and colorful rainbow tiles make learning fractions and decimals fun and engaging for your kids. The fraction manipulatives allow your students to develop a deeper understanding of fractions through hands-on experiences. Our math manipulative fraction strips are Montessori themed, meaning that they're hands-on for kids to learn on their own.