ZHIHUAN Baby Boy Toys for 1-5 Years Old,Baby Toys 6-18 Months Baby Gifts for 3-12 Months Toy Car for Girls 1-5 Years Old

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ZHIHUAN Soft Rattle Car 0-1-3 Hand Grasping Ball toys Material: ABS Plastic. Applicable age: over 1 years old Features: 1. Seven-coloured beads: bright colours attract baby's attention and push it. 2. Cute expression: the car's front has a super cute cute expression 3. Bright match: moderate size, very suitable for infant baby hand grip
APSDRENS Soft Rattle car, is irresistible for little hands - those geometric shapes make it easy for inexperienced little fingers to grasp and play, play it let the baby put it down.
Interesting Educational Tool, Perfect gift to train baby's interactive ability and hand-eye coordination.
Inertial assisted gliding opens a long way: without the help of batteries, the trolley taxis farther and longer, adapting to the baby's small strength
Anti-collision and resistance to fall, the baby is playing happily: The high-strength plastic material makes strong and impact resistant, and the toy is more durable. The mother is more at ease.
Made of some soft rubber material, flexible and not deformed: different parts of the use of different texture of environmentally friendly non-toxic plastic particles, anti-stretch deformation.